1. Start Here
    1. Introduction
  2. Guidelines
    1. White Space
    2. Indentation
    3. Line Wrapping
    4. Methods & Side Effects
    5. Code Blocks
    6. Anonymous Code Blocks
    7. Dots versus Spaces
    8. Files
  3. Reference
    1. Scala
    2. Bizo
    3. Official Scala Style Guide
  4. Google Custom Search

Methods and Side Effects [Edit]

  1. One-line methods: simple expressions
  2. Side-effecting methods
  3. Return types

One-line methods: simple expressions

One-line methods with simple expressions do not require braces:

  // preferred
  def hasNext: Boolean = (i < end)
  // hmmm-kay
  def hasNext: Boolean = {
    i < end

Side-effecting methods

One-line methods with side-effects should use braces (instead of using equal),

  // preferred
  def next() {
    i += 1
  // hmmm-kay
  def next() { i += 1 }
  // wrong: no parenthesis indicating effect
  def next { i += 1 }
  // wrong: equal sign shouldn't be used for Unit-returning methods
  def next() = { i += 1 }
  // wrong: equal sign shouldn't be used for Unit-returning methods
  def next() = {
    i += 1

Return types

Public and protected methods should explicitly declare their return type:

  // good
  def compute: Result = {
  // wrong: no explicit result type
  def compute = {

This practice avoids 1) having class users and inheritors having to guess the actual return type and 2) having the return type inadvertently change and thefore avoid unexpected incompatible class changes.

The rule also applies to methods returning Unit.

  // hmmmm, questionable
  def doSomething {

  // preferred
  def doSomething: Unit = {

And applies to abstract methods, e.g., in traits or abstract classes,

// good
trait Foo {
  def compute: Result
  def doSomething: Unit
// wrong
trait Foo {
  def compute: Result
  def doSomething()  // missing "Unit"